Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What I am loving WEDNESDAY!

So I have decided to share some of the stuff I am loving every Wednesday with you guys!

Some days it will be sentimental or it will be little things that make me smile!

Here are a few things I am loving today!

First off my new favorite tune!

It is a song about love and it just puts you in a good mood!

The second favorite thing I am loving is a deck of cards!

Matt and I have been trying to save some money and find some fun things to do so one night after work he went to target and came home with a deck of cards! He taught me how to play speed! Most nights we play a few games and laugh the whole time.
The last thing I am loving is having a clean home! Matt and I are in the process of decorating for Valentine's day and it always stresses me out and I don't know why. (part of my OCD in me ). I just get sooo giddy having a clean home and more relaxed! I just want to thank my hubby for dealing with my craft projects and cleaning habits!  :) Hoping for a fun relaxing weekend :) 
Matt coaching (love his smile)
Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday!

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