Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Bedroom!

So I have had a lots of great comments about I love how you decorate! Its sooo organized! Where do you find these things? I never would have the time for that!

Well here I am to give you some tips! Trust me when Matt and I found this house we had no time either! The day we signed the lease I went out of town and then we moved! The week we moved I went back to school, Matt was in and out of town, and he was in the middle of playing and coaching baseball. We also lost my grandma 3 weeks after we moved in. So nothing is done all at once, though I tried really hard and got a lot of it done in a short amount of time thanks to both our families. It is always a work in progress. So I decided I will share my home ideas with you and some of my tricks and  you can love your space and home as much as I love mine! (in a few posts, bear with me)

Lets start with the most important room in the house! The Bedroom! No I am not going kinky on you! (a lady doesn't kiss and tell) ;)

I am a person who needs her sleep. I also need a clean space so if my room is not clean it makes me crazy and I will not sleep because of it. The bedroom was the first room done in our house because I could close the doors and get away! Matt's mom and sis in law painted this room for us and that night my mom and Matt hung all the frames and shelves. (disclaimer: we love our house but it has its issues. We pay GREAT rent and deal with the tiny flaws. I will let you in on a few. For one our carpet is not appealing at all! We have cleaned it multiple times and you can not see any difference. We have parts of the foundation missing so there are some drop parts :) and though we hung everything up and made sure they were level they don't look it since our floor is not even. The walls in our room were a deep blue green color peeling from the walls and had been patched sooo many times not much you can do but paint over it :) so trust me its far from perfect)

Here is what our room looks like from the door
The paint we bought from Lowes. Its the Laura Ashley Home by Valspar in Lilac 3. Its not as bright purple. I have not the greatest camera and lighting to work with.
This is what our room looks like from the bed
(main door on the left, my closet on the right)
When Matt and I got married the colors were black and off white (like the damask type comforter on our bed) with the accent color of Tiffany blue. Well bad accent color to choose! Apparently my face wash at the time bleached all the pillow cases and sheets! When we went to buy more they had discontinued the color!!! ERRRR!!!! So we decided to pick a new accent color. Target had some of their new decor stuff out and had a butterfly pictures (in the pic above) with a hint of the turquoise color we liked and some other colors. So I asked Matt's opinion what color he liked so we could start decorating some more. His exact response was "purple! UW colors!!!" So we went with purple. Not the exact UW purple but that part of the color wheel :). Target even had lampshades with purple to match. So long story short we adapted some of our accessories and added some new ones.

Matt's side of the bed & the door to the bathroom

If you have not heard Matt and I love the #3. No it was never Matt's number but in high school when Matt was around my family he would squeeze my hand 3 times to tell me he loved me. When he plays baseball he will hold up a 3 in the middle of the game to tell me he loves me. Its always been our thing. We Incorporated it in our wedding and now into our home decor. Its hunt for 3's every where :). For the decor we bought these shelves at target and we got most of the decor at little shops in downtown Sumner, WA. (fav place of mine to shop) The numbers are old house numbers, sign numbers, and old score board numbers (have to sneak in a little baseball decor). The old playing card and domino pieces were less then a dollar at an antique store. The frame and picture was used as my memorial to my Papa at my wedding. My favorite part of the wall is the picture with the quote below. "Friends yesterday, lovers today, soulmates forever. The pictures worked perfectly for it and It is sooo true in our love story.

Our 3 wall
The wall decor above Matt's bedside table
The frame with the purple background was an old frame we were not using with a piece of card stock behind it. We found a quote that was special to us in the vinyl section at Artco (the most dangerous craft store) and applied the vinyl to the glass. The quote "Whoever said sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." The night Matt told me he loved me for the first time was when we were outside in the rain. The frame with the white paper was actually our vows typed up and framed. Since the first anniversary gift is paper. Matt typed up our vows for me as my gift. I loved it and I thought it was sooo sweet that it needed to be in our room!

This wall theme is based a little on my old bedroom. I love Paris and dream of going one day. I also LOVE the Eiffel tower!!! So the Paris items and frames were from my room before I was married. The frame in the top left is actually a frame from my wedding with a picture of my grandparents that I had at the alter at our wedding and its their wedding photo. The pictures I turned black and white thanks to Costco! The candle holders our Partylite and the flower is a candle holder from Target.

My amazing comfy chair!!!
The shelf was Matt's he got at Ikea before we got married and a few accessories! I like to add books to accessories. I added to books that our love stories just cus I wanted the romance feel. (its always the little details to me) The accessories are mostly from Michael's, Ikea, and Target.

Bathroom door on the left. Matt's closet in the middle, and the main door.
Art work my mom found at Marshalls. Its a great place to find the little things. Its a usually reasonably priced store. Though you can't read the sign above the door to our bathroom it is actually lyrics to the song "Everything," by Michael Buble (Matt's song to me on our wedding CD) I had to have it when I saw it!

The dresser I actually got from Matt's parents years ago and my Grammy painted it when I was still in high school. It still worked well so when I got married and we were painting our bedside tables we decided to run a couple coats over it and spray paint the old handles. A cheap easy way to fix hand me down furniture! The artwork on the left side was a gift from the Buell's (my boss) when they went on vacation to the Oregon Coast. It has such an uplifting message. A few little accessories and the butterfly pictures that we designed our room colors around. The tree on the left is actually holding my rings and bracelets (a clean organized way to display jewelry). The TV is tiny, don't worry we are getting a bigger one soon. :)

Closer look at the accessories
Our bed

Here is our bed! We are actually on the hunt for some new fabric to recover some of these pillows. I want more fabrics :) But my absolute favorite thing maybe in my whole house is my "W" pillow. My mom made it for my first Christmas as a Williams. The "W" is made out of buttons! We have a bed with a head and foot board we bought this fall for $30 at a garage sale. We just need some nicer weather to fix it up and paint it. Matt's side is the right side. An easy organized tip is putting your remotes in a bucket (ours has a 3 on it) but since we have the Wii remotes, DVD, TV, and cable remotes we need to keep them together. My side is on the left. One of the cutest "3" things I bought is a little box. Matt and I each have one for our wedding rings. I bought them at a little store in Sumner around the time we got married and a year later they made it into "Real Simple Magazine," I was quite excited :) to see something I loved in a magazine :)
sorry for the glare
The tray is actually my great-grandmother's.
That is our bedroom. Its always a work in progress. I change things all the time. I put some away for awhile and then pull it out when I feel like it. Its never expensive items that make a room, its the details that make you feel at home. 

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