Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Missing you Grammy

Grammy & I in March 2012 @ Chloe's Birthday!
God never gives you more than you can handle but I am barely hanging on. If you have read other posts in this blog you will know I lost my Nana this past April. Well on Christmas night heaven received another angel. My Grammy, my dad's mom. It was expected but not easy. She was diagnosed with breast cancer the summer of 2007. She was going good for a while and then it spread. We stayed with her this summer on vacation, so we got some special time together. I was lucky enough to see her in November during my trip for my birthday. She seemed really happy and postive she had a few months to live. About 8 days later it got bad and they decided hospice was best. Thankfully we made it to Montana for Christmas in time and got to see her. The first few days she was ok we talked about how she is at peace and gets to go home and be with my papa now. On Christmas eve she was knocking like Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory," her favorite show. We had our tears and had some memories. It was nice and peaceful. On Christmas morning we woke up and went over to her house like we always did. Though this year we didn't read the birth of Jesus and put him in the manger, there was no decorations, no big breakfast, but it was with her and that is what mattered. She wasnt as talkative and very tired and weak. She went home that night.

Nana, me, my mom, Grammy @ my wedding Sept. 2010

I love my grammy more then most people will ever know. The tea parties, shopping, crafting, antique shopping, and just talking. But for some reason I wasn't as sad as I was when my nana died. I was at peace and had relief. She wasn't suffering any more. All I could think was her up in heaven dancing with my Papa. They loved to dance and were so good at it. I always loved to watch those two.
Dad, Terry (Grammy's Significant other), and Grammy at Flat Head Lake this summer!

I will miss her dearly but when I am crafting or sewing I will always think of her and how much she has taught me.
Grammy & I @ my rehersal dinner

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