Thursday, September 5, 2013

What a difference 3 years make

The Kiss
Wow! Three years ago today I walked down the aisle with my dad with Darius Rucker's "History in the making," playing in the background. I could never expect the last 3 years to be so wonderful, hard, and nothing short of

3 years ago Matt had just finished his baseball career at TCC and school and was working for a video company. I was working as a nanny and living with my parents. We got married and moved in together (and we thought that would be the hard part). Looking back now I was playing house. We worked and played no real plans. But God had some plans.
Our House

In 3 years I have lost 2 grandmothers, met new family members, dealt with cancer hurting some of the closest people in our life, one move for us, my parents and siblings moving to MT. Getting Sawyer (my cat since high school) back from my parents. New friendships, losing friendships, and even friends moving. Matt getting job promotions. Matt changing careers. Me going back to school. 2 football seasons and 3 baseball seasons of Matt coaching. Planning on moving. Planning to have a baby and then putting both on the back burner. Marriage ups and downs. All with just normal everyday issues. I have been pushed and tried more lately in my life then I ever thought I could handle. But God has a plan and when you make plans God just laughs.

Today, Matt is an electrician and I am still nannying for the same family. We live in a tiny little house in our tiny little town. I would of laughed at someone telling me this will be your life in 3 years. But I take it all in stride and smile (most days) and hope and pray that one day I will look back and be so thankful with my life and how the hardest times also were very happy times.

I am happy to say we have made it through these past 3 years. And here is to Forever more.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I know I know its the 29th of August and just posting these photos! Our summer was just crazy and never got around to it and so here is what I did this summer for my décor and crafts.

A décor plate I found at HomeGoods! Plates are great décor and usually reasonably priced.
My favorite idea for summer décor (and super cheap). I found this piece of scrapbook paper and I already had this wood frame in my garage. A little white paint and modge podge (both I had laying around) and TA-DA! Wall ART!!!
Matt (technically and legally mine) got his TV this summer! So we had to revamp our entertainment area to fit everything.

This was a vinyl I found and bought a wood plaque and painted it and hot glued the star fish that I already had!

Little accessories in beach colors

$1 frame from Michael's, paint, free printable online, and a shell laying around and a new décor item!
Found a frame at Marshalls with a starfish with a burlap background but it was $16!!! So I bought a shadow box frame with a coupon and had the star and burlap! I like mine way better!
 You can see I have a lot of mason jars I got mine all from my father in law but you can find them at any antique store. You can also find shells anywhere but I found them cheapest with a coupon at a craft store or Walmart.

another free printable (follow me on pinterest and you can get all these to)

Beachy vase fillers! (moss, random twig things, and rocks)

I hosted a bridal shower this summer and used these burlap runners but they went so well I might keep them out all year :)

Matt LOVED this sign at HomeGoods!

Made this with a left over shell and wood plaque. Found the vinyl at Artco.
Hope you had a fabulous summer! Now to get all this stuff packed up and busting out all the fall stuff!!! Stay tuned :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Valentine Decor and a tour of my living room!

Here is finally a tour of my house all put together for Valentine's Day! (Yes its this Thursday)
Welcome to my home.
This is the view of my teapot collection (the drawers are my secret candle addiction)
When you walk in to my home this is what you see. My collection and some hidden 3's! I love to showcase something I love and add it to my decor. It gives that personal touch to a home.
I apologize for the blurry picture
This table was an old table we painted and the lamp I got at Goodwill for $3 and spray painted it. I gave it a new shade and it works good as new! My Grammy had the same one in her home I saw this Christmas and when I went last weekend her husband gave it to me so I could have a pair and remember her. So I am painting it soon so I have one on the other table.
Our entertainment center
Eventually we will have a 42" TV its just not here yet.

above the TV (sorry for the glare)

This is Matt's contribution to the decor. Baseball (actually there are little baseball details everywhere). I actually do a lot of baseball decorating in Spring. I host an opening day party every year. The baseballs on the shelf our Matt's actual home run ball and grand slam.

The pillow is one my mom made us. Its a tree with a heart and our names.
I hope to one day reupholster the desk!
This is our not at all glamorous couch! (one day we will buy a new one) One amazing decor tip I have learned, pillows! The pillows on the couch my mother in law made with zippers in them so I just change out the cover. Also super easy to wash!!! Since both sides of the fireplace are benches I have pillows on those to.
Depending on the holiday I love to mix up accessories! Change out pictures or just put away a few things and I put out different things. It keeps it less boring.
I love this metal frame! I hot glued magnets to old scrabble tiles and added my own personal touch!
Pre Valentine's day decor
This is our picture wall I decided I had to have one after I bought this sign with the quote "When you get there, Remember where you came from," I had to have it!!! It reminds me no matter where are families are or where we decided to plant our roots we have these people in our lives who have helped us! The pictures are all really special moments and people in our lives. Its our GRATEFUL wall!
Dining Table with the Valentine's day decor
The entry to my HUGE kitchen
I now have 2 new Valentine aprons! Even though my kitchen is tiny I love to decorate it!!!
A teapot that is a candle warmer!!! Had to have for my collection!!!
One of my FAV Christmas presents! This line of 50's housewives is my favorite! My dad always gets me their cards and this year he got me the calendar! In love!!

This was my tour of my Valentine's day decor! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Valentine's Day Decor! The Crafts

Every year for the holidays I like to add a few new things. I love making new crafts! This year I was a bit more daring, but a on a budget. This is our first VDAY in our own home so I kind of went crazy. Here are the crafts I made this year and last year. Every thing is super simple and a few items I can use for other holidays. (key to decorating: versatility)

My Front door
Lets Start with the door. I like to decorate the door with a wreath or a sign. It makes it very welcoming. This was a heart shaped wreath. I believe around $6.99 at Michael's and I had a coupon. I bought a cheap spool of red ribbon and hot glued it too the back. Simple yet festive.

I wanted to have a banner on my fireplace but could not find one I really liked and didn't have a whole lot of time. So I got some letters and painted them. I had some old jute (twine) laying around from another project. I had Matt drill the holes and ta da a banner!

A super easy and simple way to add decor is letters. I took the XOXO Valentine's day theme and painted them with some Cream paint. It was fast and inexpensive. Also kid proof :).

This is was one project I will do again for other holidays! I found a vinyl that said "LOVE," so I cut the letters out by themselves. Went to Michael's where they were having a sale and got a box of 16 votive holders for $5! I was sooo excited. Threw in some candles for the finishing touch. You could even use these on a shelf or on a table as a centerpiece.

I was feeling extra crafty when I was at Michael's and saw this frame for $3. I bought it and painted it with the left over XOXO paint. I dug in my scrap box of paper (you never know when you will need it) I found some old Christmas paper but the back was just red with off white dots. While digging I found some scrabble tiles I bought a while ago at a antique store and hot glued them to the paper. Best thing about the craft I will use the frame for other holidays and just store the paper in my holiday box.

I LOVE getting decor as a gift! So last year my mom bought me this "Be Mine," banner. It seems simple to make. Old book pages with a word stamped on them and ribbon. Just had to share this cute idea :)

Last year I made this craft. It was a wood sign that I painted and found a vinyl that said "LOVE," and one of the cupid. I then bought wood hearts and painted them red. Easy and simple.

Every holiday I have a "W" to match the theme. I just paint the letter and modge podge the scrapbook paper to the letter and add some stickers and buttons. To hang I just hot glue a piece of ribbon. My little sister gave me this idea. This whole project could be made under $10.

I had these candles laying around from Christmas. I got them at Ikea for $3 each. I found these candle stick holders at a garage sale and just had them laying in the garage. (eventually I will paint them) While out browsing the craft stores I saw these doilies for $2.99 for 30 of them so I picked those up. When I got home Pinterest (my fav website) showed how some people put them on candles. So I still had some old jute left from the banner and attached it to the candle! Now I have a whole new look.

While hunting for frames at Michael's I saw this wood plaque. With the left over paint from my banner and a vinyl I found a while back. Something easy to store after the holiday or I can keep it up if I liked for everyday.

At Michael's I picked up these foam hearts and stickers. It was a fun rainy day project for the kiddos I nanny for and when they were done I found some left over ribbon and hot glued it to the back. Now I have it for decoration. It is always great to get the kids involved they feel very special when they see it out for everyone to see.

Since this is my first Valentine's Day with a kitchen I wanted some fun decor items on a budget! I got this frame at Michael's and painted it. I found some wood letters and painted them the same color as the frame. Thanks to Pinterest I got this design idea and had some left over paper from another project and whipped this up! I think I will use the frame for other holidays just keep switching it out.

Found this idea on Pinterest! It was way harder then I thought! Thank God I have a super helpful husband who came and rescued me! I had this old frame laying around the garage and some spray paint left over from some furniture. Matt painted it for me. Then you sit and sort through conversation hearts and start hot gluing. Getting the shape of the heart was not easy. (This is not a fast project) After that I stuck white paper in the frame for a simple background. Now I have some art in my kitchen.

With the left over conversation hearts. I found an old white candle laying around and decided to jazz it up! Simple and fun!

These are just a few ideas for you to do during the season of love! Don't spend a lot of money if you don't have it. Just add when you can! Happy Crafting :)