Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Our One Year Anniversary!!!

WE MADE IT!!!! Yesterday Matt and I celebrated our one year anniversary of being married. It was a beautiful day yesterday so we had a picnic. It may sound so sweet and romantic and it was. We have been so busy and have so much to do before the weather turns and I go back to school that yesterday Matt was painting and so I went and picked up McDonalds for lunch and we ate it on the front lawn. It was very cute. Even though it was a holiday Matt still had a football game and so he was gone for the whole afternoon. Last night we got to eat our anniversary cake. We got a free one from the bakery who made our wedding cake so we didn't have to eat a frozen cake. It was so yummy and we still have some left! It was nice just relaxing at home and thinking of just one year ago we were having a huge party and how its been one whole year since I locked his keys in our getaway car. We are so thankful for everyone that has supported us along the way and been here for us this entire year. Through moving, decorating our upstair apartment, traveling, health scares, gaining new family members, baseball season, beginning of football season, and all the ups and downs of friendships. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else.